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Re: Привычный вывих сухожилия м.берцовых мышц
послал Alexander Chelnokov 13 Сентябрь 2002, 18:42
Г> ДЗ. Привычный вывих сухожилия м.берцовой мышцы.
Г> Правомерно ли поставить такой ДЗ?

Прошу прощения, что по-английски.

Peroneal Tendon Dislocation:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- See: Peroneus Longus / Peroneus Brevis:

- Discussion:
- acute dislocation occurs by sudden forced dorsiflexion w/ concomitant eccentric contraction of the peroneal muscles;
- classic teaching that the tendon dislocation occurs from a combination of dorsiflexion and eversion (like
where as other authors feel that the injury occurs from dorsiflexion and inversion (which accounts for
association with ankle instability);
- chronic peroneal tendon dislocation is often associated with recurrent ankle sprains, which lead to incompetency of
the peroneal retinaculum, and subsequent tendon subluxation;
- patho-anatomy:
- at the level of the ankle joint, the peroneal tendons lie in a groove in the posterior fibula;
- grove is present in (82%) fibulas, a transverse flat surface in 19 (11%), and a convex surface in 13
- average width of sulcus, when present, is 6 mm;
- lateral border of the posterior fibular surface may form a bony ridge (2-4 mm) augmenting the sulcus;
- peroneus longus courses posterior to the brevis tendon, and then both tendons pass thru the common peroneal
synovial sheath, about 4 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus;
- synovial sheath passess through a fibro-osseous tunnel that is stabilized by the superior peroneal
retinaculum and by
the calcaneofibular ligament;
- superior peroneal retinaculum is the other primary constraint to peroneal tendon subluxation;
- retinaculum is formed as a confluence of the superficial fascia, and sheath of the peroneal tendons,
and periosteum of the distal fibula (about 2 cm proximal to the fibula tip);
- synovial sheath passes behind the distal fibula (retromalleolar sulcus), and the depth of the sulcus may be
related to
the propensity for peroneal subluxation;
- w/ peroneal tendon dislocation there is stripping of the periosteum from the lateral malleolus which
is in continuity with the superior peroneal retinaculum;
- the result is the creation of a false pouch posteriorly (similar to the false pouch created by a
shoulder Bankhart lesion);
- associated findings:
- anterolateral instability of the ankle is associated with laxity of the superior peroneal retinaculum;
- superior peroneal retinaculum is a secondary constraint to anterolateral ankle instability;
- degenrative changes and longitudinal splitting in the peroneus brevis tendon;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exam:
- there will be tenderness posterior to the lateral malleolus;
- subluxation of the peroneal tendons may be provoked by having the patient dorsiflex the foot
from a position of dorsiflexion and eversion;
- look for a prominence of the tendon w/ dorsiflexion and internal rotation;
- w/ chronic peroneal tendon subluxation, there will often be signs of ankle instability;
- w/ a questionable exam, consider a diagnostic lidocaine injection into the peroneal tendon sheath;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiographs:
- need to assess mortise view of the ankle;
- look for shell-like avulsion fracture of the lateral malleolus (which indicates disruption of the peroneal
retinaculum) and dislocation of the peroneal tendons;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non Operative Treatment:
- ensure that the tendons are reduced before immobilization;
- place in plantar flexion in slightly inverted below knee cast for 6 wks
- note that conservative treatment for acute injuries in active young athletes, generally has a relatively high
recurrence rate (50%);

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surgical Treatment:
- in active patients, surgical fixation of the disrupted sheath is treatment of choice.
- some surgeons perform peroneal groove deepening, tenoplasty, or bone block;
- if groove deepening is performed with care to preserve the periosteal flaps inorder to help secure
the tendon sheath to the posterior fibula;
- tenodesis should be performed 3-4 cm above the fibular tip and 5-6 cm below the fibular tip;
- in the Singapore operation, the false pouch is obliterated by suturing down the superior retinaculum to the
posterior fibula;
- a secure repair, requires drill holes to be made in the distal fibula;
- in some cases, a slip of Achilles tendon may be required to augment the repair;
- hazards: note that the sural nerve lies about 1 cm distal to the distal end of the fibula;

Tendon injuries about the ankle resulting from skiing.

Static or dynamic repair of chronic lateral ankle instability. A prospective randomized study.

Recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendon.

Traumatic dislocations of the peroneal tendons.
Arrowsmith SR, Fleming LL, Allman FL: Am J Sports Med 1983;11:142.

Acute rupture of the peroneal retinaculum.
Eckert WR, Davis EA: J Bone Joint Surg 1976;58A:670-673.

Dislocation of the peroneal tendons long term surgical treatment.
Escalas F, Figueras JM, Merino JA: J Bone Joint Surg 1980;62A:451-453.

Dislocation of the peroneal tendons.
Marti R: Am J Sports Med 1977;5:19-22.

Sliding fibular graft repair for chronic dislocation of the peroneal tendons.
Micheli LJ, Waters PM, Sanders DP: Am J Sports Med 1989;17:68-71.

Ankle injuries in skiing.
RE Leach and G Lower. CORR. Vol 198. 1985. p 127-133.

Peroneal tendon injuries.
HD Clarke MD et al. Foot and Ankle Internation. Vol 19. No 5. May 1998. p 281.

Traumatic Peroneal Tendon Instability
Rhett B. Mason and Ian J. P. Henderson. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Vol 24 No 5 Sep - October 1996
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