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Re: Несросшийся перелом большеберцовой кости
Alexander Chelnokov 29 Октябрь 2002, 16:40
TAD> I believe this nailed nonunion of the tibia shaft will likely go on to uneventful
TAD> healing. Good job.

Today the case was criticized at the week clinical report for the antecurvation deformity... Unhappily our vice-director tries to prove that such a malalignment is of great clinical importance.

TAD> I'm not clear if you opened the fracture site and used an awl or
TAD> if you used an awl through the nail entry site. The latter is

Yes, nailing was closed, the canal was opened through the nail entry site.
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    Re: Несросшийся перелом большеберцовой кости
    Thomas A. DeCoster 29 Октябрь 2002, 16:43
    I would expect the deformity of the case of nailed tibia shaft nonunion (slight apex posterior and slight posterior translation) to be of no definite and small theoretical clinical importance.

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