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Hip-Op 1.4.3 released
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Alexander Chelnokov 18 Апрель 2003, 17:23
Вышла очередная версия программы Hip-Op для планирования операций эндопротезирования тазобедренного сустава, см. ниже. Если будут проблемы со скачиванием с их сайта - пишите, постараюсь выложить.
Dear Hip-Op users,a new Hip-Op version has been released. You can download the current version (1.4.3) from the website.Following bugs have been closed:1) 2-Parallel lines Distance Tool2) Distance between centre of cup and the femoral head centre.3) Multiple saving of 3D surface.4) The slices are now correctly displayed when program starts.On the website you can find the updated bugs list( If you find some others bug o if you experience any kind of problems, don't hesitate to write to the hipop-list.Furthermore, we have added several new prostheses models in the database and now we have up to eleven cup-stem models.Best Regards,Alessandro Chiarini

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