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Хамстринг синдром
Help Отправлено Alexander E. Klokov 25 Октябрь 2004, 23:03
Уважаемые коллеги! Может кто-нибудь подскажет где можно найти в электронном виде информацию по Хамстринг-синдрому, можно и в английском варианте. Спасибо за внимание.С уважением,Александр Е. Клоков

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    Re: Хамстринг синдром
    Djoldas Kuldjanov, M.D. 26 Октябрь 2004, 02:33

    набери: hamstring syndrome
    и enter:
    там очень много информации, даже авторы из России
    Yakov Yu. Popelyanskiy из Казани.

    Джолдас Кульджанов
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    Re: Хамстринг синдром
    Evgueny Tschekashkin 26 Октябрь 2004, 17:31
    надеюсь будет полезным:

    hamstring injury - posterior femoral muscle strain usually presents as acute pain in the posterior aspect of the thigh when the muscles contract suddenly and violently( when the sprinter takes off from the starting blocks.....)
    When the muscles in the back of the leg are squeezed, the patient feels the pain that does not extend below the knee. Sciatic pain usually does not cause point tenderness and often extends below the knee.
    RICE helps acute injury, stopping of activities that induced the injury and strengthening of injured hamstring muscles after they have started to heal:
    (high hamstring injury - prone position on the bed with the lower body (from the waist down) off the bed, the toes should touch the floor, keeping
    the knee straight slowly raise and lower the leg)

    (Low hamstring injury strengthening exercise - Slowly raise the weighted foot towards the buttocks by bending the knee and then lower it to the floor by straightening the knee)

    Е И Чекашкин
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