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Ti и нержавейка
Ортопедия и травматология Отправлено Alexander Chelnokov 05 Декабрь 2004, 12:35
Глубокоуважаемые коллеги, Есть ли информация о меньшем риске инфекции при использовании имплантатов из титана в сравнении со стальными?
Is there any information about decreased risk of infection with Ti implants comparatively to stainless steel? THX.

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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Anton Vakulenko 05 Декабрь 2004, 17:06
    Конкретной информации у меня нет. Но как подсказывает здравый смысл, инфекцию вызывают микроорганизмы, а не имплантаты. Лишь в случае наличия собственной бактерицидной активности у титана, что маловероятно :), частота инфекционных осложнений может быть ниже в сравнении с другими материалами.

    С уважением,
    А. В. Вакуленко
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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Dr Yalim Ates 05 Декабрь 2004, 17:28
    Dear Chelnokov
    The article
    Arens S et al Influence of materials for fixation implants on local infection J Bone J Surg 78-B No 4 1996 Says there is a lower infection rate with ti implants if ı remember correctly

    Yours Yalim Ates MD
    Assoc. Prof. And Chief SSK
    Ankara Teaching Hospital
    Ankara Turkey
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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Jeffrey Anglen 05 Декабрь 2004, 18:06
    Here's a couple:

    1. Cordero et al. Influence of metal implants on infection. An experimental study in rabbits. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1994 Sep;76(5):717-20.
    1. Melcher GA, Hauke C, Metzdorf A, et al. Infection after intramedullary nailing: an experimental investigation on rabbits. Injury 27(suppl 3):SC23-SC26, 1996

    1. Arens S, Schlegel U, Printzen G, Ziegler WJ, Perren SM, Hansis M. Influence of materials for fixation implants on local infection: an experimental study of steel vs. titanium DCP in rabbits. J bone Joint Surg. 78-B:647-651, 1996
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Andrew Shmidt 05 Декабрь 2004, 23:42
    Here is one:

    Arens S, Schlegel U, Printzen G, et al. Influence of materials for fixation implants on local infection: an experimental study of steel versus titanium DCP in rabbits. J Bone Joint Surg Br 78B: 647-51, 1996.

    Andy Schmidt
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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    V. M. Iyer 05 Декабрь 2004, 23:45
    Recently we had a discussion on the the two metals but not on the risk of infection. I am copying them for your information

    "having had a long term affinity to paediatric orthopaedics, i am aware of the available literature on the subject. there is enough proof in literature re: titanium elastic nails and indeed even the latest JPO has a paper comparing stainless with titanium nails where in titanium nails have been shown to be superior on biomechanical testing"
    "thirdly, the isoelastic or near isoelastic nature of titanium nails has been one of the prime reasons for the biomaterial to come into the orthopaedic market along with its biocompatibility
    and relative resistance to corrosion"
    finally, i request you to have alook at the following from
    Which makes the better medical nail: TITANIUM OR STAINLESS STEEL? FEA helps determine which metal makes the best nail for repairing broken legs"

    " " "The literature that you mention (I have gone thru the abstracts) is about titanium ELASTIC nails for children. You cannot extrapolate that to
    locked IM nails for adults" " "
    " " "the only thing that I found on the smith-nephew website about titanium vs stainless steel was this in the FAQ section. "Why are the TriGen implants and screws titanium?
    Due to the design of the TriGen implants, we are now able to offer a titanium nailing system with unique features and benefits that offers the surgeon a new choice. The TriGen implants are manufactured from a titanium alloy, which offers a higher fatigue life as compared to stainless
    steel.Titanium implants are also MRI compatible" " "
    " " "The last line of the article says "Surgeons considering stainless-steel intramedullary nails because of their increased modulus of elasticity should now consider titanium implants" " " "
    " " "We are back where we started, There is no study that I have come across, which shows titanium interlocked nails to be better than stainless steel interlocked nails, in adult fractures of the femur" " "

    V M Iyer
    . Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
    103,Railway lines Solapur India
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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Bill Obremskey 06 Декабрь 2004, 00:26
    Here are some slides that include several of the articles that have been referenced.
    Implants may matter.

    Кликните для загрузки файла Infection Basic Science.PPT
    50KB (51200 bytes)

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    Re: Ti и нержавейка
    Anatoly F. Lazarev 20 Декабрь 2004, 14:25
    В одном из номеров Injury, посвещенном экономически чистым сплавам титана, встретил несколько строк о преимущественном выборе титановых конструкций при
    опасности инфицирования по сравнению с нержвающей сталью, связывают это с биоинертностью, гипоаллергенностью, а особенно с изменяющимися свойствами поверхности в зависимости от обработки. К сожалению номера не помню. Есть
    другой вариант: Injury. V 27. S 3. Implant and infection in fracture fixation.

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