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Orthopod - 10 лет
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Alexander Chelnokov 14 Декабрь 2004, 19:05
Дорогие коллеги,Похоже, мы чуть не пропустили важный юбилей - в 1994 г. Wes Spears организовал ортопедо-травматологический список рассылки, который сейчас известен как Orthopod.
Я не помню точную дату, когда я примкнул к конференции летом 1994 г., я оказался уже шестым участником. Надеюcь, многие из первых участников все еще сотрудничают - Randale Sechrest, Ira Kirshenbaum, Bill Burman, Mangal Parihar, Andy Shmidt и многие другие. С 1997 г. конференция переехала нв (regards to Chris Oliver), и сейчас базируется на Orthogate. Может быть, пришло время заняться хронологией развития. В любом случае, всех с юбилеем, и наилучшие пожелания!
It seems to me we are about to miss a great anniversary - as far as I remember the ortho mailing list, which is now known as Orthopod, was established in 1994 by Wes Spears. I do not know exact date, at least when i joined the list at in summer 1994 i was 6th. I hope many people from the initial subscribers are still contributing - Randale Sechrest, Ira Kirshenbaum, Bill Burman, Mangal Parihar, Andy Shmidt and many-many other. Since 1997 it migrated to (regards to Chris Oliver), and now it is at Orthogate. Maybe it is time to collect information about the development and chronology.
Anyway, Happy 10 year jubilee and best wishes to all!!!

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    Re: Orthopod - 10 лет
    Randale Sechrest 14 Декабрь 2004, 19:12
    Geez, you're right.

    Wow, how time flies.

    Just look at all the other interesting technologies for the dissemination of information that are evolving - like podcasting and
    blogtorrent? I remember some very interesting discussions about how the Internet was poised to change the way information was distributed and
    the major paradigm shifts that would occur.

    The real promise of the Internet is just now becoming a reality.

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