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Но как ввернули!
Ортопедия и травматология Отправлено Denis Arkhipov 25 Декабрь 2004, 15:56
Коллеги,Шуруп в аорте? Как снимать конструкцию? Нужен ли контроль аорты? Читайте ниже.С уважением, д-р Архипов
From: Thomas Anthony Horan
dear all (George?) Got a note this morning requesting an opinion about a patient 25 yrs froma remote area of the country who received this "excellent" stabilization of a fracturedthoracic spine over a year ago.The original neurosurgeon liberated the patient for fullactivities and rehab etc.The rehab doc wants to know what to do. Looks to me like the patientwas screwed pretty good! any offers?
From: David Dent
Tom, Harrington rods from a medical museum, with industrial strength screws from a boatbuilder. What are the current symptoms?

From: Mark Pleatman
Interesting case. Findings on CT: all four pedicle screws have been placed improperly inthat they miss the vertebral bodies. In addition, the screws on the left side are impingingon the decending thoracic aorta. What I do NOT know is the nature of the original injury, orwhether or not that injury has resolved. I would recommend removal of the hardware. I don'tthink it's a good idea to leave those screws where they are. If the original fracture ishealed, nothing else needs to be done.
Mark Pleatman
From: Thomas Anthony Horan
dear Mark, all the details are not yet available but the patient is coming to see us foradvice. We probably will see him in the early new year. i thought that the 4th picture showedthe screw to enter the aorta? He is a victim of a motor vehicle crash and thoracic vertebralfracture which appears healed. He was posteriorly decompressed and this device inserted. asyou say there isno evidenece that any of the fixation enters the bodies via the pediclesistead they have passed thru and their end are no where near where they ought to be. If I amcorrect (I would prefer not to be) the aortic intima has been breached by the screw. When thetime comes to take the screw out I thought we should have control of the aorta.What do you think?

From: Mark Pleatman
Tom: I strongly doubt that the aorta is involved. When these screws are put in, they firstput in a probe, then a tap, then the screw. If the aorta was punctured, they would have knownat the time. You might call the original surgeon (if in fact he is a real doctor) and get hisfeedback. The additional morbidity of a prophylactic thoracotomy would be a higher pricethan I would be willing to subject my patient to. Besides, it would be exceptionallydifficult to control the aorta at this point, especially if you tried to specifically getenough control to be able to put sutures in the back wall. Of course, difficulty of doingsomething isn't necessary a reason not to do it if you think it is necessary. I just think itis highly unlikely that the aorta is injured. I showed the case to both a thoracic surgeon anda neurosurgeon. The thoracic surgeon suggested getting an arteriogram to see if the aorta isinvolved. The neurosurgeon agreed that the hardware should be removed.

From: Thomas Anthony Horan
Mark Thank you. He is scheduled for a angio prior to transfer here. I keep going back to lookat that fourth image and although it is tough to believe the wall of the aorta seems toencompass the distal 1/2 of the screw. I have come to anticipate mal postion of screws thathave been inserted in hospitals that perhaps may not have the highest quality of equipment,including the human and radiological components. That having been said this case seems tosurpass the usual... one screw out of place or screwed into a disc etc. BTW I am notsuggesting that the screw was placed directly into the aorta but that moviment, pulse actionetc may have caused it to transgress the normal anatomical bounds without evident hemorrhage.

From: Mark Pleatman
Tom: I think it's easy to be misled by CT scans. I'd bet a bottle of good Scotch whiskeythat the aorta is uninjured.

From: Thomas Anthony Horan
Mark, would you accept a good bottle of cachaзa if I am wrong?

From: Mark Pleatman
Tom:I had to look it up to make sure you weren't offering something like fermented sheep's blood.You've got a deal.

From: Paul Zaveruha
But he can truly say the screw placement has a lifetime gurantee...

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    Re: Но как ввернули!
    Виктор Княжев 25 Декабрь 2004, 16:05
    Я внимательно прочел переписку хирургов. Они приняли правильное решение-произвести ангиографическое исследование /а можно и спиральную КТ или ЯМР с болусом/, но так или иначе пока эти исследования не будут произведены все остальное из сферы умозаключений. А так, конечно, любопытно.
    С уважением,

    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Но как ввернули!
    Castro 25 Декабрь 2004, 20:54
    Vot Ito DA!
    Dumaio, nado nachinat' so "Spiral CT scan", chto bi viasnit' otnoshenjia mezdu shurupom i naruznuio stenku Aorty,za tem vipolnit' "Cath" Aorty, i pod screen posmotrit' sostianii vnutrennei stenky sosuda, na osnovanii poluchennih rezultatov, mozno budet opredliat' taktiku: skoree vsego predetsa ito delat' dvumjia prigadami odnovremenno "v polozenii bolnogo na pravom boku', i predetsa sdelat Torokomomio i zadny dostup po staromu razrezu i udalit' shurup s zady pod kontrolom sosudestogo hirurga s ego torokotomicheskogo razreza, i posle togo, kak on osvobodit' mesto dla zadnego hoda, mene kazitsa, chto udalenjia shurupa bez niposredstvennogo i aktivnogo controla sosudestogo hiruga, u drugogo konsa shurupa, mozno preznat'riskovannoi manipulasei.... ni zaveduio, tomu, kto ito budet ispolniat'!
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Но как ввернули!
    Denis Arkhipov 29 Декабрь 2004, 23:53

    Подошли ангиограммы... Наслаждайтесь...

    д-р Архипов

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    • Re: Но как ввернули!
      Отправитель: andrew sokoloff 29 Декабрь 2004, 23:58

      травматический обратный дивертикул аорты!

      чего планируют: протезирование?

      с уважением
      andrew sokoloff
      from Mosсow

      [ Ответить ]
    • Re: Но как ввернули!
      Отправитель: Виктор Княжев 30 Декабрь 2004, 00:01
      Неприятно, конечно.
      Теперь вот шуруп придется менять, потому как если его оставить, то коррозия шурупа неминуема.
      С уважением,

      [ Ответить ]
    • Re: Но как ввернули!
      Отправитель: Evgueny Tchekashkin 30 Декабрь 2004, 02:33
      Напрасно вы так реагируете.
      Повода для радости и наслаждения не вижу.
      Проблема для больного, переживания для коллеги.....
      Перечитайте врачебную этику

      [ Ответить ]
      • Re: Но как ввернули!
        Отправитель: Mike Shnider 30 Декабрь 2004, 02:35
        Согласен- но частично.Все-таки мы не открытый форум - а вполне специализированое сообщество - и наша задача обсуждать - а иногда и осуждать - дабы не повторять ошибки и оплошности.Данный пример - свидетельство полного отсутствия пространственной ориентации - все педикулярные винты мимо кассы.Да - статистика дает 20-25 процентов ошибок при проведении данных винтов.

        [ Ответить ]
        • Re: Но как ввернули!
          Отправитель: Castro 30 Декабрь 2004, 03:55
          Zdrastvuete Dr. Mike,
          Mne kazitsa, chto Doctor Evgueny prav na vse 100%! Poetomu Ja Ubeditelno proshu Vas zapomnit',chto mi vse pod odnim bogom hodim, i nikto ni otchego nizastrachovan! S maei tochky zrenjia>>> Delo uze sdelanno, teper' pozdno kogo to koznit' ili nakazivat', nuzno naedty realny vihod iz itoi sloznoi situasii, prezde vsego dla bolnogo, da i dla nichastnogo hirurga, kotory ego operiroval, on ze ni hotil, chto bi dela poshli takim obrazom, da malo togo, ni zabudete Dr. Mike toze, chto ni vsem danno bit' genialnimi vrachami kak bolshenstvo uchastnikov foruma!

          [ Ответить ]
    Re: Но как ввернули!
    Castro 30 Декабрь 2004, 01:48
    Ja esho takogo ni videl! Pokazival ja itot sluchai i neurohirurgam i vascularnim hirurgam, oni vipali v osadok! Da, slozno emu predetsa! Da ksozelenio, Vi kollega okazilis' pravy!!! Luche v takih stuasiah oshebitsa, nizeli okazatsa pravim, no srabotal tut zakon nashei professii - samie hudshie ssenarii, vsegda sbivaiotsa! Ito fact.
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Но как ввернули!
    Валентин Пионтковский 18 Январь 2005, 02:02
    Уважаемый Денис!
    На этом уровне аорта интимно седенина с columna vertebralis? а иначе, если бы она была подвижна, шуруп не вошел бы в нее. Учитывая интимную связь аорты и позвонка - удаление конструкции может привести к кровотечению по ходу канала от шурупа, что можно предотвратить тампонированием аллотрансплантанта.Посудите сами - если кровотечение в средостение должно произойти оно бы уже произошло. Удачи!
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