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Re: Fixion nails
Lew Zircle 11 Март 2006, 19:16
I prefer Sign interlocking nails for axially unstable femoral and tibial shaft fractures

Lew Zirkle
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    Re: Fixion nails
    Alexander Chelnokov 12 Март 2006, 00:33
    THX for your reply.
    A colleague of mine from another town yesterday called me with the questions. Closed nailing is now being introduced in their unit, and he is attacked by sales reps which convince him that Fixion is now N1 everywhere in the Western world, and the old system with interlocking screws is shutting down. I told him about my view (BTW how did you guess my answer? ;-) but decided to have opinions of more advanced independent experts in the technique. Thx in advance.
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