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Re: Травматический шок
послал Vyacheslav Ryndine 14 Сентябрь 2006, 09:40
".... Травматический (болевой) шок - это фазовая ответная компенсаторно-приспособительная реакция организма на агрессивное болевое воздействие факторов внешней среды, сопровождающаяся дисфункциональными, энергетическими, регуляторными нарушениями системы гомеостаза и нейрогуморальной активности организма с развитием гиповолемии.

Кто сможет это выговорить - я уж не говорю: кто сможет это понять?

Господа коллеги,

я понимаю, что любой вклад в труднеший раздел "критические состояния" полезен, но ...

пропаганда от имени Русского Суржинта сумбурных рассуждений профессора Астафурова выглядит немного странной...
на фоне уже отработанных определений шока - см. прилагаемые странички из энциклопедий...

Великолепная статья по травматическому шоку даунлодится в полном объёме по требованию на последней из прилгаемый страниц...
Статья весит 500 кб - я побоялся её выкладывать...

В. Рындин

Medical Encyclopedia


Contents of this page:
a.. Illustrations
b.. Definition
c.. Considerations
d.. Causes
e.. Symptoms
a.. First Aid
b.. Do Not
c.. Call immediately for emergency medical assistance if
d.. Prevention
e.. References

Definition Return to top
Shock is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body is not
getting enough blood flow. This can damage multiple organs. Shock requires
IMMEDIATE medical treatment and can get worse very rapidly.

Considerations Return to top

Major classes of shock include:

a.. Cardiogenic shock (associated with heart problems)
b.. Hypovolemic shock (caused by inadequate blood volume)
c.. Anaphylactic shock (caused by allergic reaction)
d.. Septic shock (associated with infections)
e.. Neurogenic shock (caused by damage to the nervous system)
Shock is a serious medical condition where the tissue perfusion is
insufficient to meet the required supply of oxygen and nutrients. This
hypoperfusional state is a life-threatening medical emergency and one of the
leading causes of death in a critically ill person.

Types of shock
In 1972 Hinshaw and Cox suggested the following classification which is
still used today.[1] It uses four types of shock: hypovolaemic, cardiogenic,
distributive and obstructive shock: [2] [4] [3] [5] [7]

a.. Hypovolaemic shock - This is the most common type of shock and based
on insufficient circulating volume. Its primary cause is loss of fluid from
the circulation from either an internal or external source. An internal
source may be haemorrhage. External causes may include extensive bleeding,
high output fistulae or severe burns.
a.. Cardiogenic shock - This type of shock is caused by the failure of the
heart to pump effectively. This can be due to damage to the heart muscle,
most often from a large myocardial infarction. Other causes of cardiogenic
shock include arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure (CHF),
contusio cordis or cardiac valve problems.
a.. Distributive shock - As in hypovolemic shock there is an insufficient
intravascular volume of blood. This form of "relative" hypovolemia is the
result of dilation of bloodvessels which diminishes systemic vascular
resistance. Examples of this form of shock are:
a.. Septic shock - This is caused by an overwhelming infection leading
to vasodilation, such as by Gram negative bacteria i.e. Escherichia coli
which releases an endotoxin which produces adverse biochemical,
immunological and occasionally neural mechanisms which are harmful to the
b.. Anaphylactic shock - Caused by a severe anaphylactic reaction to an
allergen, antigen, drug or foreign protein causing the release of histamine
which causes widespread vasodilation. Leading to hypotension and increased
capillary permeability.
c.. Neurogenic shock - Neurogenic shock is the rarest form of shock. It
is caused by trauma to the spinal cord resulting in the sudden loss of
autonomic and motor reflexes below the injury level. Without stimulation by
sympathetic nervous system the vessel walls relax uncontrolled, resulting in
a sudden decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, leading to vasodilation
and hypotension.
a.. Obstructive shock - In this situation the flow of blood is obstructed
which impedes circulation and can result in circulatory arrest. Several
conditions result in this form of shock.
a.. Cardiac tamponade in which blood in the pericardium prevents inflow
of blood into the heart (venous return). Constrictive pericarditis, in which
the pericardium shrinks and hardens, is similar in presentation.
b.. Tension pneumothorax. Through increased intrathoracic pressure,
bloodflow to the heart is prevented (venous return).
c.. Massive pulmonary embolism is the result of a thromboembolic
incident in the bloodvessels of the lungs and hinders the return of blood to
the heart.
d.. Aortic stenosis hinders circulation by obstructing the ventricular
outflow tract
Recently a fifth form of shock has been introduced:[1]

a.. Endocrine shock based on endocrine disturbances.
a.. Hypothyroidism, in critically ill patients, reduces cardiac output
and can lead to hypotension and respiratory insufficiency.
b.. Thyrotoxycosis may induce a reversible cardiomyopathy.
c.. Acute adrenal insufficiency is frequently the result of
discontinuing corticosteroid treatment without tapering the dosage. However,
surgery and intercurrent disease in patients on corticosteroid therapy
without adjusting the dosage to accommodate for increased requirements may
also result in this condition.
d.. Relative adrenal insufficiency in critically ill patients where
present hormone levels are insufficient to meet the higher demand

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