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Acetabular displasia
Ортопедия и травматология Отправлено Narender Saini 07 Ноябрь 2008, 18:59
Patients Age 17 years.LLD 3 inches,
Unable to squat and sit cross leg.Flexion at hip 90 deg, abduction adduction 5-10 degree.
What should be done.
Dr. Narender Saini
SMS Hospital Jaipur.

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    Re: Acetabular displasia
    Sandro Reverberi 07 Ноябрь 2008, 19:45
    dear Narender,
    evolution of this hip is to a degenerative arthritis. I suggest periacetabular osteotomy to provide coverage of femoral head, associated to varus and derotative proximal femural osteotomy (femural neck seems valgus and antiverse). This can slow degenerative progression. Dysmetria is not so important as pain. If you neglect this hip, it should become painful and arthritic.
    Sandro Reverberi
    Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova
    Reggio Emilia
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    • Re: Acetabular displasia
      Отправитель: eidelman mark 07 Ноябрь 2008, 20:11
      I think this is "lost case" not situable for any reconstructive osteotomy(like mentioned above PAO).This girl already had pseudoaceetabulum and degenerative arthritis.Two practic solutions: THR(later) or pelvic support osteotomy( if you know how to do it).
      Mark Eidelman.

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