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ICEF&BR Call for Abstracts - Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, September 6-8, 2012
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Nuno Craveiro Lopes 25 Февраль 2012, 10:34
Dear Collegue,
The Organization Committee. welcomes delegates to submit abstracts of papers to be considered for presentation at the 2nd WCEF&BR Congress (World Congress of External Fixation and Bone Reconstruction), wich will take place at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, September 6 to 8, 2012.
This is the Congress of the ICEF&BR (International Confederation of External Fixation and Bone Reconstruction), a Society that joint the ASAMI International and World Congress of External fixation, and includes all colleagues interested in the thematic of external fixation, Ilizarov reconstruction procedures and other techniques related to reconstruction by distraction osteogenesis.

Main subjects are: Basic Science, New devices, Long bone fractures, Fractures in children, Multiple trauma, Fractures of the Pelvis, Fractures of the hip, Articular fractures

Open fractures, Fractures with bone loss, Severe injuries of softtissues, Congenital deformities in children, Congenital deformities in adults, Acquired non-traumatic deformities in children, Acquired non-traumatic deformities in adult, Post traumatic deformities in children, Post traumatic deformities in adult.

Abstract submission deadline is May 15, 2012.

The Authors must complete all information requested on the online form

After completion, the authors will receive confirmation that theirabstract(s) has been received.

We look forward to seeing you in Bahia.

Best regards,

José Carlos Bongiovanni
President of the Congress

Nuno Craveiro Lopes
President of the Constitutive Committee ICEF&BR (Ex ASAMI Int and WCEF)

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