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Re: Несостятельность фиксации
James Carr 05 Август 2003, 13:20
Is he diabetic (or pre diabetic and doesn't know it??). I would go lateral through fibular incision - assuming healing, and plate from lateral. I would also pay attention to the syndesmosis, as this may require some fixation. If he is a diabetic, the issue is more cloudy.
I would still probably fix it. This guy then gets a bent knee long leg cast for 6 weeks postop.

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    Re: Несостятельность фиксации
    Alexander Chelnokov 05 Август 2003, 15:30
    JC> Alex Is he diabetic (or pre diabetic and doesn't know it??).


    JC> I would go lateral through fibular incision - assuming healing, and
    JC> plate from lateral.

    Wouldn't it lead to excessive devascularization of the distal tibia?

    JC> I would also pay attention to the syndesmosis, as this may require
    JC> some fixation.

    So i keep in mind an external fixator and closed isertion of 1-2 thin bolts to compress the syndesmosis...

    JC> would still probably fix it. This guy then gets a bent knee long
    JC> leg cast for 6 weeks postop.

    Or bridging ex-fix?
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