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Re: Ilizarov vs Orthofix
послал Jacob Odesky 25 Апрель 2006, 09:03
Dear colleges! I would like to present a Hexapod Ilizarov external fixator.

The Hexapod represents the kinematic mechanism that realizes the three dimensional movements by
different lengths of the six distractors connected to the two platforms. It’s well known in technique
and uses for imitation of flying and other machines.
The system has been developed in Germany and first presented at the Ilizarov meeting in 1995 by Dr. K. Seide. It consists of six telescopic distractors of varying length from 105-235 mm, 6 y adaptors, a measuring stick and software. The Y adaptors can be utilized with all types of the Ilizarov rings. It is possible to place the adaptors freely along the rings as necessary. The connection between the Y adaptors and the distractors is through a universal ball and socket joints. The software is very simple to use and does not need any connection to the Internet. The base data needed includes the diameter of
the upper and lower rings, the positions of the Y adaptors on each ring and the length of the
distraction rods. After the input of this data into the computer, the program shows the initial
position of center of the upper ring in relation to the lower. From this point, all adjustments are
made with specific reference to the central point of the lower ring, since this ring remains in a static position. All adjustments can be in three planes. The CORA is entered in relation to the center of the distal ring and the desired correction entered into the computer.
The software then makes the appropriate adjustments for deformity correction consistently for each plane according to the plan developed on the basis of the malalignment test along three axes with six degrees of freedom.
The software displays a plan for correction detailing the steps according to the surgeons input of the number of days and steps desired. Beyond this, the software determines the final length of the distractors and the changes between the rings so that the progress and changes can be monitored to assure that the changes have occurred appropriately along the scheduled plan.
There is no necessity to establish Hexapod in operation room, it application and removal is quick, taking only about fifteen minutes for each procedure, and is pain-free.
After removal, it is possible to put it to the following patient, thus, having 3-4 Hexapod sets it is possible to treat consistently big number of patients. I, for example for a year having 2 sets, have applied them 21 times.
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