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Re: Ошибка при установке Гамме 3
Ilya Iofin 14 Март 2010, 09:42
I have a different interpretation of this case. I suspect you did not tighten the set screw all the way in order to allow sliding of the lag screw and fracture fragment compression, as you would for a standard intertrochanteric hip fracture. This is a reverse obliquity fracture, so the result is migration of the proximal segment. I doubt reaming the canal would have prevented this. Had the set screw been fully tightened, there would be no postoperative fragment motion.
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    Re: Ошибка при установке Гамме 3
    Ilya Iofin 14 Март 2010, 09:53
    I looked at the films again and saw that you are referring to the nondisplaced shaft fracture, not the proximal fragment position. Sorry.
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